sqlalchemy.types String Example Code

String is a class within the sqlalchemy.types module of the SQLAlchemy project.

BOOLEAN, Boolean, DATE, DATETIME, Date, DateTime, Enum, FLOAT, Float, INTEGER, Integer, Interval, NULLTYPE, NullType, TEXT, TIME, Text, Time, TypeEngine, UserDefinedType, and to_instance are several other callables with code examples from the same sqlalchemy.types package.

Example 1 from PyHive

PyHive (PyPI package information) is a set of DB-API and SQLAlchemy interfaces that make it easier to use Presto and Apache Hive with Python. Dropbox's engineering team created this code library, open sourced it and put it out under the Apache 2.0 license.

PyHive / pyhive / tests / test_sqlalchemy_presto.py

Example 2 from sqlacodegen

sqlacodegen (PyPI package information) is a tool for reading from an existing relational database to generate code to create SQLAlchemy models based on that database. The project is primarily written and maintained by Alex Grönholm (agronholm) and it is open sourced under the MIT license.

sqlacodegen / sqlacodegen / codegen.py