sqlalchemy.sql operators Example Code

operators is a callable within the sqlalchemy.sql module of the SQLAlchemy project.

ClauseElement, Select, column, expression, extract, functions, schema, select, sqltypes, and table are several other callables with code examples from the same sqlalchemy.sql package.

Example 1 from GeoAlchemy2

GeoAlchemy2 (project documentation and PyPI package information) extends SQLAlchemy with new data types for working with geospatial databases, particularly PostGIS, which is a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL. The project is provided as open source under the MIT license.

GeoAlchemy2 / geoalchemy2 / comparator.py

Example 2 from SQLAlchemy Mixins

SQLAlchemy Mixins (PyPI package information) is a collection of mixins useful for extending SQLAlchemy and simplifying your database-interacting code for some common use cases. SQLAlchemy Mixins is open sourced under the MIT license.

SQLAlchemy Mixins / sqlalchemy_mixins / smartquery.py