django.forms DateField Python Code Examples

The DateField (documentation) class in the django.forms module in the Django web framework provides a mechanism for safely handling dates, but not times, as input from an HTTP POST request. The request is typically generated by an HTML form created from a Django web application.

Example 1 from django-filter

django-filter (project documentation and PyPI page) makes it easier to filter down querysets from the Django ORM by providing common bits of boilerplate code. django-filter is provided as open source.

django-filter / django_filters /

Example 2 from django-floppyforms

django-floppyforms (project documentation and PyPI page) is a Django code library for better control over rendering HTML forms in your templates.

The django-floppyforms code is provided as open source and maintained by the collaborative developer community group Jazzband.

django-floppyforms / floppyforms /

Example 3 from django-jet

django-jet (project documentation, PyPI project page and more information) is a fancy Django Admin panel replacement.

The django-jet project is open source under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.

django-jet / jet /

Example 4 from register

register is a Django, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL project that is open source under the GNU General Public License v3.0. This web application makes it easier for people to register as organ donors. You can see the application live at

register / registration /