django.http HttpResponseRedirect Python Code Examples

HttpResponseRedirect is a subclass of HttpResponse (source code) in the Django web framework that returns the HTTP 302 status code, indicating the URL resource was found but temporarily moved to a different URL. This class is most frequently used as a return object from a Django view.

Use the HttpResponsePermanentRedirect response object if you instead want to return a 301 permanent redirect to a new URL.

Example 1 from django-allauth

django-allauth (project website) is a Django library for easily adding local and social authentication flows to Django projects. It is open source under the MIT License.

django-allauth / allauth / socialaccount /

Example 2 from django-axes

django-axes (project documentation and PyPI package information is a code library for Django projects to track failed login attempts against a web application. The goal of the project is to make it easier for you to stop people and scripts from hacking your Django-powered website.

The code for django-axes is open source under the MIT license and maintained by the group of developers known as Jazzband.

django-axes / axes / tests /

Example 3 from django-cms

django-cms (project website) is a Python-based content management system (CMS) library for use with Django web apps that is open sourced under the BSD 3-Clause "New" license.

django-cms / cms / admin /

Example 4 from django-filer

django-filer (project documentation) is a file management library for uploading and organizing files and images in Django's admin interface. The project's code is available under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" open source license.

django-filer / filer / admin /

Example 5 from django-jet

django-jet (project documentation, PyPI project page and more information) is a fancy Django Admin panel replacement.

The django-jet project is open source under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.

django-jet / jet / dashboard /