django.db.models Model Example Code

The Model class is the superclass for all data stored in Django applications.

Example 1 from django-audit-log

django-audit-log is a code library that tracks changes to Django models. The source code is available under the BSD 3 "New" license.

django-audit-log / audit-log / models /

Example 2 from django-cms

django-cms (project website) is a Python-based content management system (CMS) code library for use with Django web apps that is open sourced under the BSD 3-Clause "New" License.

django-cms / cms / models /

Example 3 from dccnconf

dccnsys is a conference registration system built with Django. The code is open source under the MIT license.

dccnconf / wwwdccn / conferences /

Example 4 from mezzanine

mezzanine is a Django-based CMS with open source code under the BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License.

mezzanine / mezzanine / core /

Example 5 from sorl-thumbnail

sorl-thumbnail (project documentation) is a code library to make it easier to work with thumbnails in Django applications. The code for the project is open source under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" license.

sorl-thumbnail / sorl / thumbnail /

Example 6 from django-push-notifications

django-push-notifications is a Django app for storing and interacting with push notification services such as Google's Firebase Cloud Messaging and Apple Notifications. The django-push-notification project's source code is available open source under the MIT license.

django-push-notifications / push_notifications /