django.utils.functional lazy Example Code

lazy is a callable within the django.utils.functional module of the Django project.

Example 1 from django-cms

django-cms (project website) is a Python-based content management system (CMS) library for use with Django web apps that is open sourced under the BSD 3-Clause "New" license.

django-cms / cms /

Example 2 from django-rest-framework

Django REST Framework (project homepage and documentation, PyPI package information and more resources on Full Stack Python), often abbreviated as "DRF", is a popular Django extension for building web APIs. The project has fantastic documentation and a wonderful quickstart that serve as examples of how to make it easier for newcomers to get started.

The project is open sourced under the Encode OSS Ltd. license.

django-rest-framework / rest_framework /

Example 3 from django-wiki

django-wiki (project documentation, demo, and PyPI page) is a wiki system code library for Django projects that makes it easier to create user-editable content. The project aims to provide necessary core features and then have an easy plugin format for additional features, rather than having every exhaustive feature built into the core system. django-wiki is a rewrite of an earlier now-defunct project named django-simplewiki.

The code for django-wiki is provided as open source under the GNU General Public License 3.0.

django-wiki / src/wiki / models /