django.forms Example Code

forms is a module within the Django project for safely handling user input in a web application.

Example 1 from mezzanine

mezzanine is a Django-based content management system (CMS) with code that is open source under the BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License.


Example 2 from django-allauth

django-allauth (project website) is a Django code library for easily adding local and social authentication flows to Django projects. Its code is available as open source under the MIT License.


Example 3 from heritagesites

heritagesites is a Django web application with a MySQL backend that displays UNESCO heritage sites. The project code is open source under the MIT license.


Example 4 from edX

edX (project website) is an open source platform for teaching online courses that is widely used in academia and industry. The platform code is available under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.


Example 5 from django-registration (redux)

django-registration (redux) (project documentation) is a Django code library for one-phase, two-phase and three-phase registration flows. The code is available open source.

django-registration / registration /