django.shortcuts get_object_or_404 Example Code

get_object_or_404 is a callable within the django.shortcuts module of the Django project.

Example 1 from dccnsys

dccnsys is a conference registration system built with Django. The code is open source under the MIT license.

dccnsys / wwwdccn / proceedings /

Example 2 from django-cms

django-cms (project website) is a Python-based content management system (CMS) library for use with Django web apps that is open sourced under the BSD 3-Clause "New" license.

django-cms / cms / admin /

Example 3 from django-filer

django-filer (project documentation) is a file management library for uploading and organizing files and images in Django's admin interface. The project's code is available under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" open source license.

django-filer / filer /

Example 4 from django-flexible-subscriptions

django-flexible-subscriptions (project documentation and PyPI package information) provides boilerplate code for adding subscription and recurrent billing to Django web applications. Various payment providers can be added on the back end to run the transactions.

The django-flexible-subscriptions project is open sourced under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

django-flexible-subscriptions / subscriptions /

Example 5 from django-guardian

django-guardian (project documentation and PyPI page) provides per-object permissions in Django projects by enhancing the existing authentication backend. The project's code is open source under the MIT license.

django-guardian / guardian /

Example 6 from django-rest-framework

Django REST Framework (project homepage and documentation, PyPI package information and more resources on Full Stack Python), often abbreviated as "DRF", is a popular Django extension for building web APIs. The project has fantastic documentation and a wonderful quickstart that serve as examples of how to make it easier for newcomers to get started.

The project is open sourced under the Encode OSS Ltd. license.

django-rest-framework / rest_framework /

Example 7 from django-sql-explorer

django-sql-explorer (PyPI page), also referred to as "SQL Explorer", is a code library for the Django Admin that allows approved, authenticated users to view and execute direct database SQL queries. The tool keeps track of executed queries so users can share them with each other, as well as export results to downloadable formats. django-sql-explorer is provided as open source under the MIT license.

django-sql-explorer / explorer /

Example 8 from django-taggit

django-taggit (PyPI page) provides a way to create, store, manage and use tags in a Django project. The code for django-taggit is open source and maintained by the collaborative developer community group Jazzband.

django-taggit / taggit /

Example 9 from django-wiki

django-wiki (project documentation, demo, and PyPI page) is a wiki system code library for Django projects that makes it easier to create user-editable content. The project aims to provide necessary core features and then have an easy plugin format for additional features, rather than having every exhaustive feature built into the core system. django-wiki is a rewrite of an earlier now-defunct project named django-simplewiki.

The code for django-wiki is provided as open source under the GNU General Public License 3.0.

django-wiki / src/wiki /

Example 10 from gadget-board

gadget-board is a Django, Django REST Framework (DRF) and Angular web application that is open source under the Apache2 license.

gadget-board / web / gadgets /

Example 11 from wagtail

wagtail (project website) is a fantastic Django-based CMS with code that is open source under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License.

wagtail / wagtail / core /