flask.json jsonify Example Code

jsonify is a function in Flask's flask.json module. jsonify serializes data to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format, wraps it in a Response object with the application/json mimetype.

Note that jsonify is sometimes imported directly from the flask module instead of from flask.json. It is the same function that is imported, but there are less characters to type when you leave off the .json part.

JSONEncoder is another callable from the flask.json package with code examples.

Example 1 from Flask AppBuilder

Flask-AppBuilder (documentation and example apps) is a web application generator that uses Flask to automatically create the code for database-driven applications based on parameters set by the user. The generated applications include default security settings, forms, and internationalization support.

Flask App Builder is provided under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" license.

Flask AppBuilder / flask_appbuilder / security / decorators.py

Example 2 from FlaskBB

FlaskBB (project website) is a Flask-based forum web application. The web app allows users to chat in an open message board or send private messages in plain text or Markdown.

FlaskBB is provided as open source under this license.

FlaskBB / flaskbb / management / views.py

Example 3 from flaskSaaS

flaskSaas is a boilerplate starter project to build a software-as-a-service (SaaS) web application in Flask, with Stripe for billing. The boilerplate relies on many common Flask extensions such as Flask-WTF, Flask-Login, Flask-Admin, and many others. The project is provided as open source under the MIT license.

flaskSaaS / app / views / main.py

Example 4 from Flask-SocketIO

Flask-SocketIO (PyPI package information, official tutorial and project documentation) is a code library by Miguel Grinberg that provides Socket.IO integration for Flask applications. This extension makes it easier to add bi-directional communications on the web via the WebSockets protocol.

The Flask-SocketIO project is open source under the MIT license.

Flask-SocketIO / example / sessions.py

Example 5 from Datadog Flask Example App

The Datadog Flask example app contains many examples of the Flask core functions available to a developer using the web framework.

Datadog Flask Example App / python/flask/app / app.py

Example 6 from indico

indico (project website, documentation and sandbox demo) is a Flask-based web app for event management. The code is open sourced under the MIT license.

indico / indico / web / util.py

Example 7 from keras-flask-deploy-webapp

The keras-flask-deploy-webapp project combines the Flask web framework with the Keras deep learning library to provide an example image classifier that is easy to deploy. The application can be quckly run in a Docker container on your local development environment. The project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

keras-flask-deploy-webapp / app.py

Example 8 from sandman2

sandman2 (project documentation and PyPI package information) is a code library for automatically generating RESTful APIs from existing database schemas. This approach is handy for solving straightforward situations where you want to put an abstraction layer between one or more applications and your relational database to prevent or reduce direct database access.

The sandman2 project is provided under the Apache License 2.0.

sandman2 / sandman2 / service.py

Example 9 from tedivms-flask

tedivm's flask starter app is a base of Flask code and related projects such as Celery which provides a template to start your own Flask web app. The project comes baked with an admin panel, API authentication and authorization, SQLAlchemy and many other common libraries that are often used with Flask.

The project's code is provided as open source under the BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" license.

tedivms-flask / app / views / apis.py