sqlalchemy.sql sqltypes Example Code

sqltypes is a callable within the sqlalchemy.sql module of the SQLAlchemy project.

ClauseElement, Select, column, expression, extract, functions, operators, schema, select, and table are several other callables with code examples from the same sqlalchemy.sql package.

Example 1 from alembic

Alembic (project documentation and PyPI page) is a data migrations tool used with SQLAlchemy to make database schema changes. The Alembic project is open sourced under the MIT license.

alembic / alembic / ddl / oracle.py

Example 2 from GINO

GINO (project documentation and PyPI package information) is an object-relational mapper (ORM) built on SQLAlchemy that is non-blocking and therefore designed to work properly with asynchronously-run code, for example, an application written with asyncio.

GINO is open sourced under the BSD License.

GINO / src/gino / dialects / asyncpg.py

Example 3 from sandman2

sandman2 (project documentation and PyPI package information) is a code library for automatically generating RESTful APIs from existing database schemas. This approach is handy for solving straightforward situations where you want to put an abstraction layer between one or more applications and your relational database to prevent or reduce direct database access.

The sandman2 project is provided under the Apache License 2.0.

sandman2 / sandman2 / app.py