flask.blueprints Blueprint Example Code

A Blueprint in Flask is a "mold" or template for creating parts of web applications. This Blueprint class within the flask.blueprints module implements that functionality for Flask web apps.

Example 1 from CTFd

CTFd (homepage) is a capture the flag (CTF) hacking web app built with Flask. The application can be used as-is to run CTF events, or modified for custom rules for related scenarios. CTFd is open sourced under the Apache License 2.0.

CTFd / CTFd / auth.py

Example 2 from Flask AppBuilder

Flask-AppBuilder (documentation and example apps) is a web application generator that uses Flask to automatically create the code for database-driven applications based on parameters set by the user. The generated applications include default security settings, forms, and internationalization support.

Flask App Builder is provided under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" license.

Flask AppBuilder / flask_appbuilder / base.py

Example 3 from FlaskBB

FlaskBB (project website) is a Flask-based forum web application. The web app allows users to chat in an open message board or send private messages in plain text or Markdown.

FlaskBB is provided as open source under this license.

FlaskBB / flaskbb / auth / views.py

Example 4 from flask-base

flask-base (project documentation) provides boilerplate code for new Flask web apps. The purpose of the boilerplate is to stitch together disparate libraries that are commonly used in Flask projects, such as Redis for fast caching and transient data storage, SendGrid for transactional email, SQLAlchemy for persistent data storage through a relational database backend, Flask-WTF for form handling and many others.

flask-base is provided as open source under the MIT license.

flask-base / app / main / views.py

Example 5 from flask-bones

flask-bones (demo) is large scale Flask example application built with Blueprints (example Blueprint code). This project is provided as open source under the MIT license.

flask-bones / app / auth / init.py

Example 6 from flask-bookshelf

flask-bookshelf is the example Flask application that developers create when going through this Flask series of blog posts.

flask-bookshelf / bookshelf / admin / controllers.py

Example 7 from Flask-Bootstrap

flask-bootstrap (PyPI package information) makes it easier to use the Bootstrap CSS framework in your Flask applications with less boilerplate code. The project was primarily created by Marc Brinkmann @mbr and the source code is open sourced under the Apache 2.0 license.

Flask-Bootstrap / flask_bootstrap / init.py

Example 8 from flask-debugtoolbar

Flask Debug-toolbar (documentation and PyPI page) is a Flask conversion of the popular Django Debug Toolbar project. This extension creates a sidebar with useful debugging information when you are running a Flask application in development mode. The project is provided as open source under this license.

flask-debugtoolbar / flask_debugtoolbar / init.py

Example 9 from flask-restx

Flask RESTX is an extension that makes it easier to build RESTful APIs into your applications. Flask RESTX aims for minimal configuration to get basic APIs running for existing applications and it exposes endpoint documentation using Swagger.

Flask RESTX is provided as open source under the BSD 3-Clause license.

flask-restx / flask_restx / apidoc.py

Example 10 from Flask-WTF

Flask-WTF (project documentation and PyPI page) provides a bridge between Flask and the the WTForms form-handling library. It makes it easier to use WTForms by reducing boilerplate code and shorter examples for common form operations as well as common security practices such as CSRF.

Flask-WTF / flask_wtf / csrf.py

Example 11 from Flask-User

Flask-User (PyPI information and project documentation) is a Flask extension that makes it easier to add custom user account management and authentication to the projects you are building. The extension supports persistent data storage through both relational databases and MongoDB. The project is provided as open source under the MIT license.

Flask-User / flask_user / user_manager.py

Example 12 from Flask-VueJs-Template

Flask-VueJs-Template (demo site) is a minimal Flask boilerplate starter project that combines Flask, Vue.js, and Flask-RESTPlus. The project provides some sensible defaults that are easy to continue building on, and the source code is open source under the MIT license.

Flask-VueJs-Template / app / client.py

Example 13 from Datadog Flask Example App

The Datadog Flask example app contains many examples of the Flask core functions available to a developer using the web framework.

Datadog Flask Example App / python/flask/app / blueprint.py

Example 14 from tedivms-flask

tedivm's flask starter app is a base of Flask code and related projects such as Celery which provides a template to start your own Flask web app. The project comes baked with an admin panel, API authentication and authorization, SQLAlchemy and many other common libraries that are often used with Flask.

The project's code is provided as open source under the BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" license.

tedivms-flask / app / extensions / jinja.py