flask.signals Namespace Example Code

Namespace is a class used within the flask.signals module, but it is actually imported from the Blinker project. Blinker is a fast dispatching system for event subscriptions, also known as "signals". Flask uses this library instead of implementing its own event subscription signaling model. Namespace is defined within Blinker as a mapping of signal names to signals, and it serves the same purpose in the Flask project.

got_request_exception is another callable from the flask.signals package with code examples.

Example 1 from flask-login

Flask-Login (project documentation and PyPI package) is a Flask extension that provides user session management, which handles common tasks such as logging in and out of a web application and managing associated user session data. Flask-Login is open sourced under the MIT license.

flask-login / flask_login / signals.py

Example 2 from flask-sqlalchemy

flask-sqlalchemy (project documentation and PyPI information) is a Flask extension that makes it easier to use SQLAlchemy when building Flask apps. flask-sqlalchemy provides helper functions that reduce the amount of common boilerplate code that you have to frequently write yourself if you did not use this library when combining Flask with SQLAlchemy.

flask-sqlalchemy is provided as open source under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License.

flask-sqlalchemy / src/flask_sqlalchemy / init.py

Example 3 from Flask-User

Flask-User (PyPI information and project documentation) is a Flask extension that makes it easier to add custom user account management and authentication to the projects you are building. The extension supports persistent data storage through both relational databases and MongoDB. The project is provided as open source under the MIT license.

Flask-User / flask_user / signals.py