Python - Introduction

Python - Introduction

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Python is a high-level, interpreted and general-purpose dynamic programming language that emphasizes on code readability. Python enables programmers to code in fewer lines as compared to other programming language. The language founded in 1991 by developer Guido Van Rossum. It is used for web development (server-side), system scripting, software development, data handling and performing complex mathematical operations. Some important features of Python are given below:

Language Features:

Interactive Language – Python supports command line shell which provides output for each statement while keeping previously fed statements in active memory. A new line is sent to the interpreter which is evaluated both in part and in whole.

Interpreted Language – Python is an interpreted language. It executes code line by line which enables easy debugging and learning.

Integrated Language – Python can be easily integrated with other languages like C, C++ and JAVA etc.

Open-Source Language – Python is an open source language which makes it freely usable and distributable, even for commercial use.

Modular Language – Python allows user to logically organize python code in a file which can be further imported in another python code. This makes Python easy to learn and code.

Dynamic Language – Python is a dynamic language. It allows user to change functions and objects at run-time.

Object-Oriented Programming Language – Python supports object oriented programming.

Portable Language – Python can be interpreted on various operating systems including UNIX-based systems, Mac OS and various versions of Windows.

High-Level Language – Python is a high-level language and enables development of a program in user friendly way and generally independent of computer’s hardware architecture.

Extensible in C++ & C – Python can be used in C++ and C program which enables scripting capabilities for a programmer.

Extensive Library Support – Python standard library is very huge. Along with this, it also supports third party library as well which enables fast programming.

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