Future Directions

Tactical improvements

Every page on Full Stack Python is a work-in-progress that can always use improvements. The following items on this list need some love and attention.

  • Update newer pages such as AWS Lambda, Text editors and IDEs and Falcon pages with additional sections and resources.

  • RQ: Add "Comparing Celery and RQ" and "when is RQ useful?" sections.

  • Celery: Add graphics to show how Celeryd and Celerybeat work. Also add section on comparing Celery to other task queues.

  • Apache Cassandra: Add "why use cassandra?" and "what is CQL?" sections.

  • MongoDB: Add "why is mongodb useful?" and "database drivers" sections.

  • Redis: Add "why use redis?", "data drivers" sections.

  • Git: Add "why use git?", "what is a distributed version control system?", "what's the difference between git and github?" and "git clients" sections.